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Physical Therapy Resources

Physical Therapy

How Can I Benefit from Direct Access?

Direct access is the ability for a patient to take advantage of physical therapy services without a referral from a physician. Depending on which state you are in, there are three different levels of physical therapy direct access: limited patient access, patient access with provisions and unrestricted patient access.

Physical Therapy

Making the Most of your Virtual Therapy Appointment

If you're unfamiliar with virtual physical therapy or some of the other emerging telehealth services that are rapidly growing quickly, telehealth physical therapy allows our Physical Therapists to connect with patients remotely through technology platforms.

Physical Therapy

Benefits of Virtual Therapy

We've highlighted some key information that you should be aware of when it comes to our virtual physical therapy sessions and some answers to common questions that you might have regarding your next virtual therapy session.

Knee Pain While Running? Here are Some Things to Know | Results Physiotherapy
Physical Therapy

Knee Pain While Running? Here are Some Things to Know

Have you started to notice that you suffer from knee pain while running? Learn more about what symptoms to look out for and what you can do to alleviate knee pain while running.

Physical Therapy

8 Small Changes that could make Large Improvements to your Running

If you're looking to improve your running performance, we've identified 8 small changes you can implement to run longer, further, and faster.

Chris Scoma Promoted To Clinical Manager of Occupational Health | Results Physiotherapy
Workers Compensation

Chris Scoma Promoted To Clinical Manager of Occupational Health

Results is pleased to announce the promotion of Chris Scoma to Clinical Manager of Occupational Health.  The role will support the ongoing clinical needs of Results' Occupational Health program as well as work to grow Results' ancillary services lines of business. This includes Functional Capacity Evaluations, Post Offer Employment Testing and Early Intervention Musculoskeletal Triage.Chris has been a Physical Therapist with Results since 2010 where he started as a Staff Ther

Current Concepts on Physical Therapists Managing Acute Work-Related Injuries | Results Physiotherapy
Workers Compensation

Current Concepts on Physical Therapists Managing Acute Work-Related Injuries

Physical Therapists can better manage musculoskeletal injuries that occur on the job by providing effective interventions as early as possible, designing work specific therapeutic activity programs and communicating openly and effectively with all stakeholders involved in the patient’s claim.

Physical Therapy

What You Need to Know About Dry Needling

Dry needling is effective for treating pain in a variety of areas for improving function and flexibility without the use of medications or pain relievers. Learn more about dry needling therapy.

Physical Therapy

5 Tips for Preventing Running Injuries

Running injuries are some of the most common types of injuries. Learn how you can work to prevent running injuries in the future.

Physical Therapy

4 Reasons Finishing your PT Homework is Crucial for Recovery

Physical therapy homework is important for building strength, proper recovery, and helping control pain. Find ways to stay motivated to complete your homework by creating a routine to speed up wellness and recovery after physical therapy.

Physical Therapy

How to Choose a Physical Therapist: 10 Things to Keep in Mind

Finding the right physical therapist is important for recovery following an illness or injury. Find a convenient physical therapist with multiple locations, and choose a provider you can trust. Learn how to choose a physical therapist.


Osteoarthritis: Prevalent, but not always symptomatic

Osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip and knee is among the leading causes of global disability, highlighting the need for early, targeted, and effective treatment. New research supports prevalence of asymptomatic, uninjured people, and re-confirms the importance of focused physical therapy, physical activity, and exercise. From a study published in April of this year, re-affirming the positive effects of exercise on OA. The majority of people with hip and knee OA do not meet physical activity...