Athlete’s Peak: Genny Tidwell Interview | Results Physiotherapy

Athlete’s Peak: Genny Tidwell Interview

Genny Tidwell | Athlete's Peak Interview - Results Physiotherapy

This week, we had the opportunity to talk with Genny Tidwell for our new interview segment Athlete’s Peak. Genny is an adaptive CrossFit athlete and coach who has competed in both in-person and online events in some of the premier competitions and took the time to share her personal story and highlighted how CrossFit and physical therapy has helped her during her fitness and healthy living journey.

1. For those who aren’t familiar with or have never tried CrossFit, can you explain a bit about what it is and why you enjoy it?:

“CrossFit by definition is constantly varied, high intensity, functional fitness. My favorite part about CrossFit is the variety of gymnastics, weightlifting, and conditioning movements that are incorporated into the workouts. I enjoy the challenge and how each workout leaves me wanting to be better each day.”

2. Can you tell us how you heard about CrossFit and what inspired you to try it?:

“I had several friends that did CrossFit, and they tried to get me to try it for years. In 2019, I found myself out of shape and overall unsatisfied with my fitness. I just started a new job working from home and decided to check out the CrossFit gym near my house. It didn’t take long for me to be hooked and before I knew it, I was a regular at the mid-day class three times a week.”

3. Do you think individuals who are looking to restart or begin their fitness journey should consider CrossFit?:

“Yes! There’s a misconception about CrossFit that you have to be a certain age, size, or fitness level to begin. That’s the farthest from the truth. Every workout can be modified to meet the skill level of the individual. You can be in a class with all levels of athletes doing some variation of the same workout. That’s a pretty special thing to witness.”

4. CrossFit has been growing as a sport for several years, why do you think that is when compared to traditional weight lifting or cardio activities?:

“I attribute that to the variety of movements and workouts CrossFit provides. Each day leaves you guessing what might be thrown your way… that’s way more fun than running on a treadmill! The competition aspect is also a huge attribute to the popularity of the sport. You have events like the CrossFit Open where athletes all over the world do the same workout at their home gym and you are able to see how you compare to others. If nothing else, you get in really great shape by doing CrossFit and who doesn’t want that?”

5. In recent years, there have been plenty of CrossFit competitions, have you ever personally competed?:

“I have! I have competed at in-person competitions as well as several online competitions, like the Open.”

6. You mentioned being an adaptive athlete, can you talk a little bit more about that and some of the challenges that presents like working out, competing, adjusting your training regime, etc.?:

“An adaptive athlete is someone who has a permanent impairment that prevents them from inclusion of fair competition with non-adaptive athletes. I did not identify as an adaptive athlete prior to starting CrossFit… I didn’t even know that was a thing. Having one hand definitely deterred me from trying CrossFit earlier than I did, and many other things, simply because I didn’t know how I would do the movements being asked of me. I had no clue how I was going to do a pull-up, jump rope, or use a barbell. I discovered a whole world of single-arm athletes on Instagram and that changed everything for me! I began working with a coach one on one who has been instrumental in helping me figure things out and how to actually be pretty good at CrossFit!”

“My training regimen isn’t different than anyone else. I train the same way as other athletes that are striving to be competitive. I use a variety of attachments to execute moments like pull-ups, and I have a custom-made jump rope that allows me to jump rope.”

7. How often do you workout and how do you cycle between those workouts? (i.e. Full body one day, isolated exercises the next day, etc.):

“I workout about 6 times a week. I do a mixture of CrossFit, strength training, and Olympic Weightlifting throughout the week. I train with my Coach three times a week to prepare for upcoming competitions, and improve specific skills.”

8. How do you motivate yourself to workout?:

“I enjoy working out so it’s not too hard for me to be motivated. I want to compete at the highest level possible and that means being dedicated to putting in the work. Training with my Coach is a big part of staying motivated. My Box is an amazing community that makes it very easy to show up, work hard, and have fun.”

9. What’s your favorite and least desirable workout or exercise?:

“My favorite workout is anything with a heavy barbell… squats, cleans, deadlifts… those all get me pretty pumped! I also love handstand push-ups and pull-ups. I don’t look forward to anything with the bike, or jump rope…. the jump rope and double unders are something that I’m still improving upon.”

10. Rest and Recovery is an essential step to staying healthy as an athlete. What tips and tricks do you use to make sure you recover properly? (i.e. Physical Therapy, proper nutrition, etc.):

“I do allllll the things! I use a whoop to monitor my sleep and recovery. Sleep is very important to recover properly so I am mindful of making sure I get quality sleep. I see a physical therapist regularly and also get massages. I make sure to do all the pre-hab/ re-hab exercises since I’m at a higher risk of overuse injury. I also watch what I eat and use a variety of supplements.”

11. How long did it take you to get in the shape you are now?:

“Over the last year I have really stepped up my fitness level, and cleaned up my diet. Having competitions to prepare for has really made it easy to do those things.”

12. A lot of people say that they struggle to find time to workout or make fitness and healthy living a priority, so how do you manage it and what tips do you have for others?:

“Health and fitness have to be a priority if you plan on living a long and independent life. That’s really all it is. We all have the same 24 hours a day, it’s what we chose to do with that time that separates us. I’ve worked two jobs and trained at this level for a while because my fitness is that important to me.”

13. As a coach, what do you enjoy most about working with clients?:

“I love seeing my athletes get excited to workout, and achieve their goals. When I watch an athlete get their first pullup, or squat a weight they have never done before, that just makes my day!”

14. What are some long-term fitness and healthy living goals you have?:

“I hope to compete at the 2022 CrossFit Games. At the moment there isn’t a division for adaptive athletes at the 2021 Games. I’m training now for the WheelWod Games in November. That is the CrossFit Games for adaptive athletes. Aside from that, I will continue to compete in Olympic Weightlifting. I just want to improve my fitness and do things I like to do.”

15. At Results Physiotherapy, we work with clients and patients to develop functional strength and endurance for everyday activities as part of a comprehensive treatment program, can you talk about the importance of functional fitness and how CrossFit is helping athletes from all backgrounds develop that kind of strength/endurance?:

“CrossFit has identified 9 fundamental movements that make up the foundation for the majority of movements used within CrossFit. Movements like the squat are seen in our daily lives, like sitting in a chair and standing back up. The stronger we are at these movements the better served we are to live long, and independent lives.”

16. Have you ever done physical therapy in the past? If so, what kind of injuries have you had in the past, and did you find it useful?:

“I have seen a physical therapist many times over the years. I joke that my PT is on speed dial! Mostly I’ve dealt with low back/disc issues and shoulder issues. What I enjoy about my PT is that they have never told me to stop what I’m doing. They understand me, my needs as an athlete, and have helped me with a program that keeps me moving.”

17. What other interests do you have aside from working out?:

“I’m pretty social, so I love anytime I can hang out with friends. My husband and I enjoy hiking with our dogs on the weekends too.”

18. Name your favorite book, television show, and/or podcast:

“My two favorite shows that I can watch any time are New Girl and The Golden Girls. My favorite podcast is Starting Strength radio.”

19. What’s your music of choice when working out or trying to get that PR in?:

“Hip hop all the way!! Especially hip hop from the 90’s/2000’s…. I get pretty hype when my jams are on!”

20. Parting Words of Encouragement?:

“The hardest part of any fitness program is getting started. I encourage everyone to take that hard first step towards improving their health and fitness. CrossFit is an excellent way to improve health and fitness regardless of age, disability, or fitness level…. each workout can be made to meet you wherever you are in your fitness journey.”

Again we’d like to thank Genny for taking the time to share her inspirational story and highlight how CrossFit and physical therapy have helped her pursue a healthy lifestyle. To learn more about functional fitness and programs like CrossFit, check out some of our other exciting blog posts: What is Functional Fitness and Most Common Crossfit Injuries.

At Results Physiotherapy, we help individuals from all backgrounds recover from previous injuries, alleviate pain, and work to meet their unique needs and goals. Schedule an appointment today at one of our clinics to see how physical therapy can help you!

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