Physical therapy can be an effective way for adults and seniors to build functional strength, improve stability, increase range of motion, and alleviate many of the aches and pains that can stem from natural aging. Physical therapy has many benefits for aging adults and can be useful for regaining independence, preventing future injuries, and recovering from recent surgery. Take a look at some of the many benefits physical therapy can provide for older adults.
Physical therapy is an effective treatment method for over 100 conditions, many of which impact seniors and adults as they age. Some of the most common conditions that can affect aging adults can be treated with physical therapy which can include arthritis, incontinence, osteoporosis, chronic pain, neurological issues, balance, and endurance issues.
Proactive physical therapy can be an effective way to mitigate many of the complications that can stem from chronic conditions that develop over time as we age. Arthritis impacts millions of individuals every year, and is an example of a chronic condition that not only impacts senior citizens but millions of working adults between the ages of 18 to 64 as well.
As we age, older adults may find completing many of their daily tasks becomes more difficult. Physical therapy can help aging adults and senior citizens strengthen their muscles and increase mobility so they can continue to maintain independence and do many of the activities and hobbies they enjoy.
Falls are one of the leading causes of injuries for aging adults. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), there is a senior citizen fall nearly every second. Senior citizen falls can cause significant injury or in some cases even death. Falls can cost thousands of dollars in expensive emergency room visits, surgeries, and rehabilitation expenses. According to the CDC, nearly one out of every five falls can also cause a significant bone injury or head trauma. In addition, nearly one out of every four adults will experience a fall each year in the United States.
Falls for aging adults can happen for a variety of reasons, but a few of the most common include inadequate strength, poor balance, and poor range of motion. In addition, there can be underlying medical conditions that might increase the likelihood of an injury.
While attending physical therapy, your physical therapist will work to identify and treat any underlying causes that can be contributing to your chances of a fall. Physical therapists will also provide comprehensive education and awareness regarding certain actions that can be implemented to help make daily activities easier or showcase alternative ways of performing daily routines.
Physical therapy can be an effective method for reducing the risk of injury for aging adults by working to identify and reduce the contributing factors that can lead to a potential injury or serious fall.
As adults age, the willingness and ability to stay active can decline, but it doesn’t need to. Our licensed and trained physical therapists can help you increase your activity levels and other key health aspects by focusing on several pillars which can include strength, flexibility, balance, posture, and endurance.
Your physical therapist will perform a thorough evaluation that will allow them to develop a plan of care designed around your unique needs and goals.
Over the course of your physical therapy treatments, your physical therapist will work closely with you to help you build functional strength to create and continually build upon a strong foundation. By developing functional strength, your ability to perform many daily activities can become easier as your body becomes more accustomed to the strain you place upon it. In addition, your physical therapist will work with you to help alleviate pain, recover from an existing injury, avoid surgery for pain, and help you maintain an independent lifestyle.
Schedule an appointment today at a physical therapy clinic near you to see how physical therapy can help you avoid the aches and pains of aging and allow you to stay active and keep an independent lifestyle.