Benefits of Physical Therapy for Knee Pain | Results Physiotherapy

Benefits of Physical Therapy for Knee Pain

Knee pain is a common condition for millions of Americans. Roughly 15 to 20% of men are afflicted with knee pain and women often report higher rates of knee pain than men. Knee pain can impact individuals of all ages. One study conducted in 2019, showcased that knee problems and pain were also common in young adults. With millions dealing with knee pain every single year, physical therapy can be an effective treatment option to address the underlying issue causing knee pain and provide a less-invasive method to alleviate knee pain for many. Take a look at some of the many benefits of physical therapy for knee pain and see why you should request an appointment to get your knee pain treated at one of our locations across the country.

10 Benefits of Physical Therapy for Knee Pain

Learn About Contributing Factors to Knee Pain

One of the most important aspects of addressing knee pain is first understanding what may cause knee pain. There are numerous contributing factors but some of the most common causes may include an injury, overuse, arthritis, and post-surgery recovery. Injuries may include sprains, tears, fractures, and strains to the bones, ligaments, and tendons of the knee which may cause acute or chronic knee pain. Arthritis can also occur and both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are common culprits for knee pain which may cause stiffness, inflammation, and discomfort. Overuse of the knee through repetitive actions can also strain your knees. Structural abnormalities may also cause pain or discomfort when performing certain actions or activities. Post-surgery pain from a recent surgery can also present its own challenges during the recovery process. Your physical therapist will spend significant time working with you to help you understand what may be causing your knee pain.

Personalized Treatment Plan

Your physical therapist will work with you to help you understand what may be causing your knee pain and work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan. No two injuries are the same in the same way that no two individuals are the same, which is why your PT will work with you to implement a tailored treatment plan that will help you meet your unique needs and goals.

Alleviate Pain

The next benefit of physical therapy for knee pain is that it’s an effective method to help you alleviate pain. Physical therapists are pain management experts who can help you address the underlying cause of your knee pain and work to help you alleviate pain and manage it when it arises.


Throughout the course of your physical therapy treatment, you’ll also receive extensive amounts of education which will prove to be instrumental in your recovery process. As we highlighted earlier, you’ll learn about what the underlying cause might be for your knee pain, gain insight into alternative methods to perform certain activities, and give you guidance on how you can take an active role in your recovery through at-home exercises and stretches that will help you progress throughout your recovery journey.

Improve Range of Motion

The next benefit of physical therapy for knee pain is that your physical therapist will work with you to gradually improve your range of motion. Knee pain can often restrict movement and decrease your flexibility and range of motion over time. Many individuals choose to reduce their activity levels to potentially avoid the discomfort their knee pain can cause, and your physical therapist will work closely with you to regain mobility and improve the range of motion that may have declined over time. As you work to improve your range of motion, your physical therapist will work with you to get you back to performing everyday activities with decreased pain.

Address the Underlying Cause of Your Knee Pain

Another benefit of physical therapy for knee pain is that it is an effective method to address the underlying cause of your knee pain. Your physical therapist will work with you to identify and then treat the issue and figure out what might be aggravating the pain to flare up when performing certain movements or exercises.

Build Strength with Functional Exercises

Physical therapy can also help you build functional strength. Regularly exercising and participating in physical activity has numerous health benefits, and it can also help to alleviate your knee pain. In addition to your range of motion and stretching exercises assigned by your physical therapist, you might also be tasked with exercises that are targeted to help you build strength for those weak muscles that could be contributing to instability and discomfort in your knees.

Less-Invasive Treatment Method

For individuals who are looking to address their knee pain without the need for surgery, another benefit of physical therapy for knee pain is that it can be a less-invasive treatment method for alleviating knee pain for millions of individuals. Knee surgery can be an expensive and time-consuming endeavor with a significant recovery period. Physical therapy can provide an alternative option for individuals who would rather avoid surgery and address the underlying cause of their knee pain.

Reduce the Likelihood of Future Injuries

Over the course of your physical therapy treatment, you’ll also be educated on ways you can avoid future injuries and knee pain. Whether that’s through the modification of activities to reduce pain or other steps you can take to address imbalances, your physical therapist will work with you to reduce the likelihood of future injuries.

Treat Your Knee Pain with Physical Therapy

Physical therapy can be an effective treatment option for individuals who are looking to address and treat their knee pain through a less-invasive method and can be an option for millions of Americans who have been dealing with acute or chronic knee pain. Request an appointment today to connect with a local physical therapist near you at one of our nationwide clinics to see how physical therapy can benefit you and help you address your knee pain.

  1. Ibeachu, Chukwuemeka, et al. “Knee Problems Are Common in Young Adults and Associated with Physical Activity and Not Obesity: The Findings of a Cross-Sectional Survey in a University Cohort – BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders.” BioMed Central, 18 Mar. 2019,
  2. Classic Rehabilitation. “Knee Pain Statistics and Causes.” Classic Rehabilitation, 4 Aug. 2021,,pain%20in%20women%20roughly%2020%25.

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