
How to Soothe Pain at Home with In-Home Physical Therapy and Telehealth

We believe that nobody should live with pain, which is why we are offering a variety of services to help you get better, faster! Now more than ever, we must take our recovery into our own hands and utilize opportunities that integrate well into our busy lives. Our team at Results Physiotherapy is offering virtual therapy via telehealth and in-home physical therapy to best provide for our patients and their needs.

Our experienced physical therapists are here to help you with any musculoskeletal pain you may have through our two at-home resources. Our commitment to care expresses that our physical therapists work incredibly hard to achieve the best outcome for each patient. We do this by building one-on-one relationships with each patient at every visit and providing expertly-trained physical therapists to best assess your needs. Most importantly, we are a team of friendly physical therapists eager to improve the lives of every patient we can.

Physical therapy has been shown to help patients soothe their pain and improve their range of motion, and function over time. Many individuals struggle with pain for years at a time, and that doesn’t need to be the case. Physical therapy can help patients soothe their pain, identify what could potentially be causing their pain, and then implement a comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation program to combat future pain.

Our physical therapists at Results PT will work with you to identify what could be causing your pain and educate you on ways that you can improve your pain levels through muscle strengthening exercises, manual therapy, and cardiovascular activities.

In the old days, it used to be that you would have to go to a physical therapist or get a doctor’s referral to soothe your pain. Now with Direct Access, individuals in dozens of states no longer need a doctor’s referral and they can now get physical therapy in the comfort of their home with either telehealth virtual therapy or in-home PT.

More treatment options mean that patients and individuals no longer need to put off getting the treatment they deserve and need. Technological advancements mean that more patients can access the physical therapy care they need with virtual and remote options. Telehealth is one of the more recent ways in which patients can check-in with healthcare providers and get the care and evaluations they need. In addition, in-home physical therapy care means that patients can have the physical therapist come straight to them if they’d rather avoid driving through traffic, sitting in a waiting room, and then having to endure the commute time back home.

Physical therapy is used to help patients overcome their pain and restore function for the long-term, and we’ve highlighted ways in which in-home physical therapy and telehealth can help you overcome this pain below.

Virtual Therapy through Telehealth

If you prefer receiving one-on-one physical therapy care virtually, we offer virtual therapy via telehealth for our patients. We are able to work with our patients through mobile devices such as cellphones, desktops, laptops, and tablets from virtually anywhere. Through technology, we are able to enhance the connection with our patients by evaluating our patient’s range of motion, providing exercise demonstrations and education to keep you injury-free all through a mobile device.

Another benefit of virtual therapy is that you have the power and convenience of physical therapy in the palm of your hands. One concern that a lot of patients get when they consider using virtual therapy instead of going to one of our hundreds of in-person clinics is whether or not they’ll get the same level of care or attention. The truth to the matter is that all our patients get the same level of care virtually as they would through our virtual therapy and telehealth services.

Our physical therapists will guide you, educate you, and provide PT services in many of the same ways that you would normally receive at one of our in-person clinics. For instance, when you are getting ready for your next virtual therapy appointment, we will guide you to make sure that you’re ready to maximize the time you spend with your physical therapist. We’ve highlighted ways to ensure you have enough room to do all of the exercises, stretches, and movements with enough room to ensure your physical therapist has ample opportunity to evaluate you during the comprehensive patient evaluation and monitor you as you perform some of the routine exercises.

In addition, the great thing about virtual physical therapy through telehealth is that it gives you an opportunity to perform physical therapy in your own home. Some individuals aren’t comfortable with going to a clinic and doing some exercises in front of strangers. Virtual physical therapy gives you the option of doing your physical therapy just between you and your physical therapist.

One of the most exciting things about working with a physical therapist through virtual therapy or one of our telehealth solutions is that it helps you come up with creative solutions to doing the exercises at home. When you visit one of our in-person clinics, you’ll be using traditional weights, exercise bands, and more. When you’re at home, you’ll have to substitute some of those things with things you can find around the house like soup cans and grocery bags.

Get on the pathway to reduced pain and book your next virtual therapy appointment today! Contact us today to set up a virtual appointment.

In-Home Physical Therapy

We are offering in-home concierge physical therapy which includes easy access and continuity of care for our patients in the comfort of their own homes. A Results physical therapist will arrive at your home using all necessary safety tools such as a required mask for both themselves and their patient. We also recommend the use of gloves, glasses, and gowns as a protective measure at this time as we’re all dealing with the effects of COVID right now.

In-home physical therapy is a great solution and option for those individuals who would rather the physical therapist come to them instead of having to go to one of our in-person clinic locations. Our concierge in-home physical therapy option is great for those patients who are homebound or find it difficult to move or travel to and from locations. The in-home physical therapy option is also great for those individuals who are struggling with some more extenuating circumstances like recently recovering from surgery and immobility.

In the same way that virtual therapy is great for those patients who’d rather work with a physical therapist in their own home or without any distractions in a clinic, in-home physical therapy is a great option to help you build confidence in a comfortable setting.

If you’re concerned that in-home physical therapy might not be as effective, you don’t need to worry as research has shown that in-home physical therapy is just as effective as traditional in-clinic physical therapy. In-home physical therapy and virtual therapy are great options for you to consider if you’re looking to get started reducing your pain, improving your range of motion, and working to reduce your pain through effective techniques over time. Our Results PT experts are here to help you on your physical therapy journey.

We want all of our patients and physical therapists to feel safe and comfortable which is why we are offering two different at-home services to fit each patient’s specific needs (virtual therapy and in-home PT). Our physical therapists are committed to providing each patient with quality one-on-one care while abiding by the CDC guidelines to promote a safe environment for everyone. We are here for you and will continue to provide high quality and personalized care to all of our patients during this time.

For more information on our telehealth and in-home physical therapy services:

  1. Anar, Sevgi Özdinç. “The Effectiveness of Home-Based Exercise Programs for Low Back Pain Patients.” Journal of Physical Therapy Science, The Society of Physical Therapy Science, 28 Oct. 2016,

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