Dry Needling and Jaw Pain | Results Physiotherapy

Say Goodbye To Jaw Pain with Dry Needling

Jaw pain can negatively affect everyday life. If not treated, this condition can make it difficult to perform even simple everyday tasks like eating or speaking. While jaw pain impacts the lives of millions of people worldwide, working with a physical therapist can be an effective option to alleviate your jaw pain and improve your overall jaw function. One of the physical therapy treatments that may assist with alleviating jaw pain is called dry needling.

Learn more as we explore dry needling and how it can help alleviate your jaw pain.

What is Dry Needling?

Dry needling is a treatment that physical therapists use to treat pain in the muscles and nerves. This process involves inserting thin needles into tender points within the muscles, releasing tension that may be present and decreasing sensitivity of nearby nerves. This targeted approach serves as a very effective treatment option, especially for those with jaw pain.

How Does Dry Needling Benefit Those Struggling with Jaw Pain

Dry Needling offers a variety of benefits for those who may be struggling with jaw pain. This technique can target any tension in the jaw and provide relief for the affected area. Here are some ways that dry needling can alleviate your jaw pain:

Decreases Nerve Pain Signals

One of the most important effects of dry needling occurs at a chemical level. The act of inserting this minimally invasive needle triggers your body’s natural tissue healing responses. Your body releases “happy chemicals” known as endogenous opioids that naturally reduce pain signals. A similar chemical process is also linked to reducing muscle tension and stiffness in the treated area.

Improves Blood Flow

Another benefit of dry needling is that it can improve the blood flow to your jaw muscles. Once the needles have been inserted, they can stimulate the circulation needed to reduce inflammation and aid in a return to a relaxed state. This allows the muscles in your jaw can now function better and facilitates yourreturn tonormal activities with ease.

Provides Relief Without a Strong Dependency for Medication

Dry needling can benefit those struggling with jaw pain by reducing the need for medication. While some medications can benefit as a temporary solution, dry needling provides long-term relief for patients while also minimizing the need for further intervention.

Side Effects to Consider

While dry needling can alleviate your jaw pain, there are some potential side effects to consider before proceeding with this treatment. Common side effects can include:

  • Soreness during and after treatment
  • Stiffness
  • Bruising where the needles were inserted

While not as common, other side effects like fatigue and fainting can also occur after a dry needling session. Ultimately, we recommend that you consult with your healthcare provider to determine if dry needling is the best course of action for your needs.

Low Risk Procedure

Although there are some mild side effects of dry needling, it is generally considered a very low-risk, cost-effective treatment option for muscle pain. When undergoing this procedure, patients may experience minimal discomfort, bruising or a drop of blood at the needle site approximately 10% of the time. In addition to that, dry needling sessions are not as costly as other procedures and treatments, serving as an affordable option for treating one’s jaw pain.

Manage Your Jaw Pain with Dry Needling

When it comes to addressing jaw pain, dry needling is an effective technique to integrate into your treatment plan. It provides numerous benefits to those struggling with jaw pain, such as pain relief, improved jaw function, and easing tension within the muscles. Dry needling can release tension and promote healing within the jaw muscles by targeting those specific tender points and sensitive nerves. When combined with other physical therapy treatments, patients can experience significant relief and enjoy an enhanced quality of life.

Experience Sustainable Pain Relief with Results Physiotherapy

If you are looking for a solution to your jaw pain, Results Physiotherapy is the place for you. At Results PT, our team of physical therapists are equipped with the tools and resources needed to perform treatments like dry needling to alleviate your jaw pain.

Request a physical therapy appointment today at a PT clinic near you.


  1. Wein, Harrison. “More than Jaw Pain.” NIH News in Health, 3 Sept. 2020, newsinhealth.nih.gov/2020/09/more-jaw-pain.
  2. Bucci, Ryan. “How to Deal with Chronic Jaw Pain.” Resultspt.com, 17 Mar. 2021, www.resultspt.com/blog/posts/how-to-deal-with-chronic-jaw-pain.
  3. “FAQs on Dry Needling Therapy | Results Physiotherapy.” Www.resultspt.com, www.resultspt.com/dry-needling-frequently-asked-questions.
  4. Results Physiotherapy. “Physical Therapy for TMJ or Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD).” Resultspt.com, 2025, www.resultspt.com/tmj.
  5. Cleveland Clinic. “Dry Needling & Physical Therapy | Cleveland Clinic.” Cleveland Clinic, 20 Feb. 2023, my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/16542-dry-needling.
  6. Arias-Buría, José L., et al. “Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation of the Inclusion of Dry Needling into an Exercise Program for Subacromial Pain Syndrome: Evidence from a Randomized Clinical Trial.” Pain Medicine, vol. 19, no. 12, Feb. 2018, pp. 2336–47, https://doi.org/10.1093/pm/pny021.

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