Key Ways To Get The Most Out of Physical Therapy | Results Physiotherapy

Key Ways To Get The Most Out of Physical Therapy

Getting ready to start your physical therapy rehabilitation? It can be an exciting time as you begin your physical therapy journey because it signals that you’re one step closer to recovering and improving your overall well-being. Any time you begin a new program, you might have questions about ways to set yourself up for success or things you can do to speed up the recovery process. We’ve identified some of the key ways you can get the most out of your physical therapy journey and ensure that you’re doing all you can to get better, faster!

Commit to Improving

When it comes to injury recovery and getting on the pathway to a healthier lifestyle, one of the biggest hurdles to overcome is the commitment to improving in the face of adversity. During the course of your care, there will be challenges you will face that you will need to overcome with the help of your physical therapist. Some of those challenges include remaining steadfast to the plan of care even when it feels like your progress isn’t as fast as you’d like. Or those days when it feels like you’re too tired to go to your physical therapy appointment, you commit to going anyways.

It’s important to remember as you’re working to recover from an injury or improve your well-being, that you won’t be alone throughout the process. With the guidance of your physical therapist, you will work to meet your goals and track the progress each step along the way. In doing so, you will be able to see the progress you’ve made and understand what steps are needed to meet the goals you and your physical therapist have established.

Committing to your physical therapy journey and attending each session with a positive attitude will help you set yourself up for success every single time you attend an appointment. With each physical therapy session you attend, try to get better at one thing. If you’ve struggled to complete an exercise at a previous appointment or need additional clarification on something, don’t be afraid to ask for guidance and direction so you can complete the exercise. Even the smallest improvements can make a big difference when you visit your physical therapist during the course of your treatment.

Ask Questions and Communicate

Open communication and an eagerness to ask questions will also ensure that you’re doing all you can to make the most out of your physical therapy journey. Communicating with your physical therapist at each appointment is a proven way to improve your care and physical therapy outcomes.

Physical therapy patients who are eager to learn more about all the different aspects of physical therapy can have a better understanding of their treatment program. Understanding how the different aspects of PT interlink with one another can help you understand why your PT is asking you to perform certain maneuvers. In addition, open communication with your physical therapist will give you an opportunity to provide feedback during the treatment process.

If you find that some exercises are more painful than others or you’d like more clarification on how to perform certain maneuvers, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Your physical therapist will also communicate with you throughout your plan of care to help you stay apprised of where you are in reaching your goals and how your recovery is progressing.

Each one of our physical therapists is passionate about educating each patient about their specific condition and are more than willing to answer any questions or concerns you might have, so feel free to speak up.

Do Your Physical Therapy Homework!

The next way to get the most out of your physical therapy journey is to prioritize the completion of your physical therapy homework. Physical therapy homework, or home exercise program, are assigned exercises, stretches, and routines that your PT gives you to perform when you’re not at your appointment or in-between appointments. These exercises are designed to help you supplement all that you’re doing at each physical therapy appointment.

Your physical therapy homework can make a world of difference throughout your care and drastically impacts your pain management, recovery time, and more. Completing your physical therapy homework on your own time will also help you identify any additional questions or concerns you might wish to address with your physical therapist at the next appointment.

Attend Regularly

Attending all of your physical therapy appointments will help you make meaningful progress on the goals you establish with your physical therapist at the beginning of your care. When you commit to going to every single appointment on a regular schedule, you’re actively working to stick to an effective recovery timeline and establishing a clear path to recovery with your physical therapist. Avoiding appointments or having an irregular appointment schedule can cause you to slow down your recovery timeline and prolong the time it may take to get back to doing the things you love most.

Each one of our physical therapists will work with you to implement a physical therapy schedule that works with your busy lifestyle to ensure you can regularly attend your PT sessions and get the most out of your treatment plan.

Establish Long-Term Goals

Throughout the course of your physical therapy treatment, you should also be mindful of your long-term goals. After you’ve completed your treatment program, the next thing to focus on is committing to maintaining a healthy lifestyle with preventive care and working to make progress in additional goals you, your physical therapist, and additional care providers identify.

Establishing and working towards long-term goals after your physical therapy treatments have concluded can not only help you build upon the foundations you created during your PT appointments, but set yourself up for success in preventing future injuries and common aches and pains.

Start Your Physical Therapy Journey with Results Physiotherapy!

Physical therapy can help you improve mobility, restore function, alleviate aches and pains, and get you back to doing the things you love most! Each one of our physical therapists in hundreds of PT clinics across the country are committed to helping you with your unique needs and goals.

Schedule an appointment today to start your physical therapy journey with Results Physiotherapy!

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