5 Reasons To Attend Physical Therapy After a Car Accident | Results Physiotherapy

5 Reasons To Attend Physical Therapy After a Car Accident

According to the National Safety Council, there were nearly 4.8 million car accidents resulting in injury in the United States in 2020 (1). Injuries after car accidents can vary widely from acute muscle soreness to concussions, or whiplash to chronic neck or back pain and a plethora of other conditions. To learn more about specific concussion or whiplash treatment, see how physical therapy can help you recover from concussions and whiplash. Car accidents can result in a multitude of injuries which is why it’s important to be evaluated by a physical therapist. Learn more about how physical therapy can be beneficial after a motor vehicle accident.

PT Aids in the Recovery Process

Physical therapy includes a thorough evaluation in order to formulate the best possible plan to help patients recover after a recent car accident. Goals throughout the course of physical therapy treatment are unique to every individual patient, but some of the most common ones may include the following:

  • Improved range of motion
  • Decreased inflammation
  • Improved balance/proprioception
  • Decreased pain
  • Improved strength
  • Improved sensation
  • Normalize gait

Avoid Long-Term Damage

Car accidents can have long-term effects that can linger with patients. Beginning physical therapy treatment immediately after an injury can greatly decrease the physical and psychosocial effects that impact patients, as well as decrease the number of visits a patient needs to achieve recovery (3). The sooner the patient seeks physical therapy treatment, the sooner an active approach to their recovery can be taken, and the sooner the patient can work towards getting back to their normal daily lives. Physical therapy can also help reduce risk of secondary injury such as falls and other injuries by evaluating risk for such events and addressing them to avoid further injury in addition to the accident (4)(5).

Reduce Pain

With the ever-growing opioid epidemic, the reliance on pain medications are genuine concerns for many patients after sustaining injuries from a car accident. Physical therapists do not prescribe medications, instead they prescribe specific exercise, stretching, and manual therapies to avoid unnecessary use of pain medications (4)(5). Learn more about physical therapy and opioids.

Gain Mobility

One of the last things a patient might want to do when they are in pain is to move. At Results Physiotherapy, we understand that avoiding movement is a natural response to pain, but one that must be gently worked through with a licensed physical therapist in order to regain tissue and joint mobility. Gentle mobility also helps to reduce pain by increasing blood perfusion bringing nutrients to the healing tissues (5)(6).

Avoid Surgery

Though serious injury after a car accident may require surgery, in many cases physical therapy can help avoid surgery for many patients related to neck and back injuries, radicular symptoms, ligamentous and soft tissue injuries such as meniscal and rotator cuff tears, and joint injuries. In cases where surgery in necessary, Results Physiotherapy is equipped to provide pre-hab and rehab to get patients in better condition to undergo and to recover from their surgery by strengthening muscles and gaining mobility. In some cases, surgery becomes unnecessary due to the progress made in physical therapy (6).

Attend Physical Therapy After a Car Accident

Physical therapists at Results Physiotherapy are movement and recovery experts. PTs work to develop an individualized treatment plan for each patient after a car accident. Therapists identify and treat specific structures that have been injured, and work to achieve recovery and the patients’ unique treatment goals, including avoiding long-term problems, decreasing pain, improving mobility, and avoiding surgery when possible. Request an appointment today to see how physical therapy can help after a car accident.

  1. “Facts + Statistics: Highway Safety.” III, www.iii.org/fact-statistic/facts-statistics-highway-safety.
  2. “How Long Should i Go to Physical Therapy after a Car Accident?” Chiropractor Atlanta AICA, 16 Oct. 2020, chiropractoratlanta.com/how-long-should-i-go-to-physical-therapy-after-a-car-accident/.
  3. Ojha, Heidi A., et al. “Direct Access Compared with Referred Physical Therapy Episodes of Care: A Systematic Review.” OUP Academic, Oxford University Press, 1 Jan. 2014, academic.oup.com/ptj/article/94/1/14/2735361?login=true.
  4. “Why Is Physical Therapy Necessary after a Car Accident?” Adam S. Kutner Accident & Injury Attorneys, 20 Apr. 2021, www.askadamskutner.com/auto-accident/why-is-physical-therapy-necessary-after-a-car-accident/.
  5. “Benefits of Physical Therapy.” American Physical Therapy Association, 18 May 2021, www.choosept.com/Benefits/Default.aspx.
  6. “Nashville Catastrophic Injury Lawyer.” Kinnard, Clayton & Beveridge, www.kinnardclaytonandbeveridge.com/catastrophic-injuries/.
  7. “5 Reasons to Undergo Physical Therapy after a Car Accident: Osr Pt.” OSR Physical Therapy, 4 May 2021, osrphysicaltherapy.com/5-reasons-undergo-physical-therapy-car-accident/.

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