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Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy

What Makes Results Physiotherapy Different?

At Results Physiotherapy, we believe that people should not have to live with pain. Our team is committed to clinical excellence, a relationship-centered approach and individualized patient specific care treatments.

Physical Therapy

Updated Direct Access Laws in Tennessee

We believe nobody should live with pain and now that receiving our care is easier than ever with the updates to Direct Access in Tennessee, our team is here for you!

Physical Therapy

4 Ways Manual Therapy Can Help Relieve TMJ Pain

At Results Physiotherapy, we’ve found that manual therapy is incredibly successful in treating TMJ pain, especially when paired with exercise and education. At Results, we get results faster so that we can help you get back to living without TMJ pain.

Physical Therapy

How to Prevent TMJ Pain

Why wait to visit a physical therapist for your TMJ pain? With Results Physiotherapy, you will receive expert one-on-one care that will help you recover and become educated on future prevention methods to avoid TMJ pain. Learn some effective techniques to prevent TMJ pain.

Physical Therapy

Postpartum Relief with Physical Therapy

If you are experiencing pain and discomfort after childbirth, please know that you are not alone and that our friendly physical therapists at Results Physiotherapy are here to help!

Physical Therapy

Injury Prevention at the Gym

Nobody likes to battle with pain from a gym injury, and with the help of a Results physical therapist, you don’t have to! We have over 140 convenient physical therapy clinic locations near you.

Physical Therapy

Weight Training – Benefits and Safety

Weight training is a strength training exercise that uses resistance to stress and condition the muscles so they eventually grow stronger. Learn about all the benefits you can gain by adding weight training to your routine!

Physical Therapy

How to Dodge Germs at the Gym

How common are gym germs and where do they lurk? Let's find out how to keep yourself and other people safe while using gym equipment.

Physical Therapy

The Importance of Warming Up

What does warming up do for our bodies before a workout? Is it necessary to warm up before a workout? Learn why it's important to add a warmup to your exercise routine!

Physical Therapy

Having Shoulder Pain? What Causes this Discomfort?

Shoulder injuries are a common complaint for those seeking physical therapy, and most commonly occur after playing a sport, performing a manual labor task or continual repetitive motions. Physical therapy has many healing benefits to help patients recover from shoulder pain.

Physical Therapy

How We Personalize Telehealth

At Results Physiotherapy, we put our patients first and prioritize cost-effective, personalized and friendly care from all of our physical therapists. We are offering virtual therapy via telehealth for convenience.

Physical Therapy

Understanding Muscle Spasms and Management Techniques

Did you know that athletes and older individuals are more susceptible to experience muscle spasms? Learn how to soothe these painful muscle spasms!