
Common Hip Pain Questions

Our physical therapists often receive questions regarding hip pain. Our team recognizes the ongoing pain that hip injuries can cause and want to help you as much as possible. If one of the below questions sounds like your pain, perhaps you can find your answer to resolve your hip pain. If not, you can describe your pain by clicking the button below.

Either way, we enocurage you to schedule an appointment with a certified physical therapist in order to properly diagonse your hip pain and discuss a resolution.

Ask a Therapist

How can I avoid hip pain when running?

We see a lot of chronic overuse conditions in our clinics with distance athletes such as marathoners, trisports and cross country.

Usually the problem is multifaceted due to some form of muscle imbalance that can manifest anywhere from the lower back down the chain to the foot and ankle and several points in between. We specialize in providing our patients with a thorough evaluation to identify these dysfunctions and create an individualized game plan to address the underlying cause of your pain.

We recommend you use our website location finder to determine if there is a Results Physiotherapy clinic close to your home. We have clinics located in 9 states in the Southeast. That way, you can get to cause of your problem.

Thanks and best of luck with your cross country goals!

I have a question regarding hip flexor pain and groin area. I usually get pain when I wake up or start running or walking and then within 20 minutes, pain goes away. What could this hip pain when walking or running be?

There are several things that could be the source pain in the areas that you are describing. These can include muscle, tendon, joint and even referred pain into the nerves in that area coming from your low back.

My best advice for you is to seek an evaluation from a licensed manual physiotherapist in order to better determine specifically what is contributing to you continued pain as well as take a look at your running biomechanics. At that time, your PT will develop a very individualized plan of care for you that will include both hands on treatment to address the source of the issue as well as a therapeutic exercise/return to sport activities.

Your PT will also issue you a home exercise program to ensure that you are able to better manage this long term on your own at home.

I am a marathon runner and am also 8 months post-hysterectomy. I was first complaining about low back pain with my running pretty early on after my surgery, but my gyno didn’t think it had anything to do with my hysterectomy.

Since the back pain isn’t consistent, I couldn’t really put my finger on what was causing the pain. It just happens about 8-10 miles into a run. Sometimes, it doesn’t occur.

I was discussing with a friend and she suggested I try pelvic PT. I have never had back pain from running, so this is all new to me. What kind of time and commitment is involved in getting myself back to normal?

Firstly, I have to recognize that any answers I give you has to come with the caveat that I am quite limited in the accurate advice I can give you without performing a thorough evaluation. I can give you some ideas and suggestions.

It is true that specialist pelvic health PT does involve specific training and techniques. This can include an internal examination. However, with your primary issue of low back pain, there are several points of evaluation that we would start with – including the quality of movement of your back, the strength, symmetry and control of your hips, muscle and joint mobility and plenty of other variables.

With the timing of the onset of your back pain, it is hard not to be suspicious that your surgery and recovery are not involved somehow. If you had specific pelvic health symptoms (incontinence, pelvic pain), it could be a sign that you would benefit from some specialist care, but there would be a few things to check off the list first. You did relate that you are a tense person, and have discomfort and tension with a gyno exam- this could be a clue that you are guarded in your lumbo-pelvic muscles.

For most patients with a persistent problem that is in part due to movement problems, they respond quite well to PT. Muscles take a predictable amount of time to respond to an exercise program. It usually takes 4-6 weeks for a movement or activity to be retrained where it begins to be ‘hard-wired’. Usually things begin to respond right away but for lasting changes (including your lumbo-pelvic joints being well controlled through the tens of thousands of steps during a long run), this is typical.

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