In 2015, more than 30,000 people died from opioid abuse. And, for the first time, heroin-related deaths surpassed gun homicides (as reported in the Washington Post in December). In high-prescription states like Tennessee, death-by-opioids has surpassed automobile-related deaths, and there are more prescriptions written each year than the total number of people who live in the state (Tennessean).
The Surgeon General has initiated his Turn the Tide campaign, calling on healthcare professionals to take a pledge to help end this epidemic, and awareness of the crisis continues to rise. Yesterday, President Trump is expected to announce a new commission – chaired by Gov. Chris Christie – to try and address the issue and help the addicted recover. Time will tell if the commission will actually do more than investigate and talk, and many feel much more is needed (Mother Jones calls announcement “Underwhelming”).
Headquartered in Tennessee – one of the hardest-hit states when it comes to opioid abuse and addiction – Results Physiotherapy continues to support the fight against this killer, and remains focused on helping those living with pain. Ultimately, it’s the patient’s pain that must be addressed. Physical Therapy has been identified as an important and effective option for many, and Results and its unique form of manual-based physical therapy is at the vanguard of the fight.
As a Healthcare Professional, what trends are you seeing? Have you changed your approach to prescribing opioids? What else needs to be addressed?
True change will be driven by the healthcare community – we all know that – but the patient dealing with pain can’t be forgotten amidst the push to end this epidemic.