
Lower Back Pain

More people struggle with back pain than any other orthopedic condition. That’s why we’ve developed new online resources to help understand the common but cureable condition, so you can get back to the life you love.


4 Ways Physical Therapy Can Help With Lower Back Pain

According to a survey by the American Physical Therapy Association, almost two-thirds of Americans experience low back pain, but only 37% seek help from a professional for pain relief. And yet, there are simple ways virtually anyone can solve chronic lower back pain without surgery or pain killers.


Exercise and proper stretching of the muscles in the lower back, abdomen, hips and legs is imperative for those with low back pain. Both stretching and exercise help in maintaining normal range of motion, and provide relief for muscles due to lack of use, or those that spasm because of nerve irritation or inappropriate posture.

Movement Control Exercises

The goal of movement control exercise is to retrain the spine’s muscles to support and control the spine through various ranges of motion and normal daily activities. Many patients with both acute and persistent low back pain have adopted poor movement patterns that play a large part in their current or ongoing pain.

Manual Therapy

To assist in relieving non-specific low back pain, the combination of manual therapy and exercise have been found to be most effective. “These techniques include joint and soft tissue mobilization, dry needling, passive stretching, and Myofascial release (gentle pressure to Myofascial connective tissue),” says O’Neil. “Performing these techniques allows the patient to move easier, with less pain and more confidence in their spine, leading to a quicker recovery and return to normal life activities”


“Teaching patients to understand and best manage their low back pain, and helping them plan the best path forward reduces their fear of movement, can help relieve pain, and largely assists in the healing and recovery process.” says O’Neil.

Common Types of Lower Back Pain

Chronic Lower Back Pain

Chronic back pain that can become debilitating over time. Lingering back pain can cause missed work and decrease productivity.

More Information on Chronic Lower Back Pain

Degenerative Disc Disease

Ever wake up feeling stiff or feel like you can’t stand up straight away? Feel like the stiffness subsides as you get up and move around a bit in the morning?

More Information on Degenerative Disc Disease

Treatment of Lower Back Pain with Physical Therapy

Treatment involves many inter-related approaches for lower back pain. Our physical therapists will work with you to evaluate and determine the underlying cause of your lower back pain. Physical therapy is an effective treatment option for those who experience lower back pain and we treat it at any one of our clinics across the country. We have hundreds of locations across the United States. If you would like to set up an appointment, please request an appointment for your lower back pain. We look forward to seeing you!


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