Opioids success story

Opioids Patient Success Story

In June of 2006 I was in a car accident. I was 18 years old and three months pregnant. I broke my back in three places and had spinal cord damage. I broke enough bones in my knee that I needed a plate and four screws put in. I had to have back surgery and was in the hospital for a month. That is when I was sent home with pain medication.

Fast forward, I went to my regular physician for follow-up because I felt pressure and a little bit of tingling in my butt and the back of legs down to my feet. After my physician watched me walk once, he prescribed me a total of 240 opiods.

It didn’t take long for me to experience the benefits of these pills, and even less time to realize that if I took one and felt that good, how will taking one more make me feel? I began seeing a doctor monthly to have my prescription refilled and increased. Then, I started running out. Then, they stopped working all together and I needed something stronger. I was taking percoset and we bumped it up to morphine. Finally, in 2011, I ended up in rehab.

I was in rehab for two weeks, and when I got out I was still experiencing pain. I was scared to go see a doctor because I did not want to end up where I was before. I was finally recommended a doctor by my family and told him my whole story. He recommended going to a  pain management specialist. When I went to my pain management appointment she suggested Results Physiotherapy. They were the first people to tell me physical therapy was an option for managing pain.

It didn’t take long for me to experience the benefits of these pills, and even less time to realize that if I took one and felt that good, how will taking one more make me feel? I began seeing a doctor monthly to have my prescription refilled and increased.

In the 10 years I was in and out of physical therapy to regain functionailty I had never had anywhere NEAR the success I had with Results. I came in and my physical therapist, Natalie, asked “what are your goals?” I mentioned that I had always struggled with balance and she was the first person to give me hope that my balance wasn’t something I needed to deal with the rest of my life.

What was so scary is that I did not go to my physician to get pain medication, I came to understand my pain. I never once heard anything about physical therapy. If I had been referred to Results all those years ago, I truly do not think I would have gotten to the place that I was.

I’m so grateful to my therapy team at Results. Without them, I am convinced I would have never discovered how physical therapy can help reduce even the kind of severe pain I was experiencing.

If more physicians knew about Results and were more quick to recommend them I don’t think we would have all of these addictions and overdoses across the country. I love Results Physiotherapy and am so grateful for them.