Don’t let embarrassment or fear stop you from getting the help you need. Many common pelvic health conditions are now treatable with specialized physical therapy. Schedule a private consult with the Results physical therapist in your area, and discover how we can help you get back to the life you love.
My background in Specialty is that I actually grew up here in Tennessee. I went to University of Tennessee for my Undergrad, medical school at ETSU, New Orleans residency at Charity Hospital- Tulane School of Medicine.
My experience with Results Physiotherapy as a patient and a provider has been fabulous. As a provider I can refer patients there that have pelvic pain. A lot of patients come in with pelvic pain and have had CT scans, ultrasounds, and all kinds of tests trying to figure out what is wrong with them. At this point I do a very detailed pelvic exam, and I am able to elicit the symptoms they are having just pressing on a certain nerve, ligament or bone, and then when I elicit that response in the patient and they go, “Yes! That’s the pain I’ve been having!” I feel really good because I know I can refer to Results Physiotherapy and they will be taken care of.
When I identify these patients, all I have to do if fill out a sheet, fax that, and their demos to Results Physiotherapy. They call the patient, get the patient set-up, and it makes it super easy on me and the patient.
The types of patients that I refer to Results Physiotherapy are a lot of times my more difficult patients. I have older patients that aren’t candidates for surgery, but need something done, and those are excellent patients to send to Results Physiotherapy. They really get benefit from the urinary incontinence and fecal incontinence, and like I said the pelvic pain patient. The one that has been everywhere and nobody can figure it out.
Results Physiotherapy has helped my patient population enormously. I had one patient that I had actually done surgery on for pelvic pain and it didn’t work. So I sent her to Results Physiotherapy. She came back to me and said, “I thought you were crazy when you told me to go to physical therapy for this pelvic pain. I thought you were just out of your mind. But I went because I trust you, and I was willing to try anything, and it worked! It was awesome!” Just after the first couple weeks she started getting relief, and then after that she still has to go back occasionally if it starts acting up, but we know what it is and know it can be fixed.
What I say to my patients that area little skeptical about Results Physiotherapy, they look at me like I’m crazy sometimes, like “physical therapy?” A lot of them think physical therapy is like if you have a knee and you are out in front of everybody and you’re just working in the middle of a room. I have to reassure them, no, it is in a private room, and it is with one therapist, and to give it a try. You have tried everything. And I like to tell them the results I have had personally as a patient, and a physician. That it really works if they would just try it. Just go once, and if you hate it I won’t make you go back, but just try it. And they usually do and have great success.
Results’ unique approach to treament is often the best way to treat common pelvic health conditions. If you have questions about your symptoms and/or past treatments, the pelvic health therapist in your area will be happy to schedule a free private consult.
Not at all. One in seven 18-50 year old women experience chronic pelvic pain at some point in their life.
Urinary incontinence is the most common condition with women. 38% of all women have urinary leakage at some point in their lives—including 30% of women under 30 years of age. As many as 60% of women under 60 years of age struggle with some degree of incontinence.
Your first appointment will be with a physical therapist to do an evaluation. During your evaluation we will discuss your medical history and assess your current status in order to customize a treatment plan fit for you.
We accept most forms of insurance. If your insurance covers Physical Therapy, your appointment will be covered. However, we will verify your benefits and coverage prior to treatment.
Typically, patients will be seen 1-3 times per week. Your therapist will work with you during your evaluation to create an individualized and realistic plan.
Patients may be treated anywhere from 4 weeks to 12 weeks. Your therapist will be able to give you a realistic outlook during your evaluation.
Your initial evaluation will be between 60-90 minutes. From there, each treatment session will be about 60 minutes.
Many of our patients begin to see results as soon as two weeks into treatment. Your therapist will be able to give you a realistic outlook during your evaluation.
Yes. Many men experience pain, soreness, and other issues post prostatectomy. We are able to treat these and other issues at our clinics as well.
Possible, temporary soreness may occur. This is not our goal! Any pain or soreness that you do experience will help shape your plan for treatment. Keep your therapist in the loop if you are uncomfortable with the level of soreness you experience.
In most cases, an internal assessment is not needed. Our therapists are specialized in evaluating these muscle groups in many different ways. We will never require you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.
Comfortable, loose-fitting clothing is best.
Our therapists are specially trained in evaluating the muscles and nerves related to your pelvic floor. Often, physicians are unable to assess these areas in the same way. MRI, CT, and other physician-ordered scans often come back negative for any issues leaving them undiagnosed.
Yes! We have private treatment rooms available at all times for our patients. We respect your privacy, and want to ensure you’re comfortable and focused on feeling better, faster.