Plantar Fasciitis is also called Trochanteric Bursitis or ITB Friction Syndrome. Plantar Fasciitis is one of the most common heel pain causes and is when there is inflammation along side the tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot between your heel bone and toes.
This condition is caused by excessive stretching of the plantar fascia, which is the strong “spring-like” ligament that runs along the arch of the foot. Typically this is more prevalent when people have either flat feet or very high arches. A long history of wearing high-heeled shoes can be a contributing factor in females.
Sharp pain over the heel and aching pain along the underside of the foot are signs of plantar fasciitis. Pain often increases when more time is spent in standing or walking.
A patient can be diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis by a healthcare provider with a physical evaluation, and evaluation of their medical history. Additional tests could be requested to confirm the diagnosis and identify any otehr factors or causes that could be contributing to the heel pain of the patient.
Hands-on joint mobilization can relieve ankle stiffness, and stretching tight calf muscles can improve ankle movement. Myofascial release of the plantarfascia helps prevents scar formation, and strapping techniques decrease stress on the plantarfascia. If an orthotic shoe insert is needed, the therapist will either suggest an “over-the-counter” orthotic or refer the patient to a podiatrist for a more specialized orthotic.
There are a few things individuals can do to reduce the likelihood of getting Plantar Fasciitis including wearing more supportive shoes to provide additional stability and support for their heel and foot. Maintaining a good weight with a healthy diet is also beneficial. Individuals who begin to feel heel pain should get it evaluated before it becomes a bigger issue.