Because of our focus on the quality of care and the satisfaction of our patients, we are proud to consistently provide top outcomes, as measured by a third party (FOTO), for our patients. These outcomes result in reducing workers’ compensation costs and facilitate faster case closure, on average by eleven days per claim.
The Results commitment to clinical excellence carries over to our care for injured workers. Our physical therapists are not only trained in the most advanced orthopedic evaluation skills and treatments, but also in how to deal with the nuances of a workers’ compensation claim.
In addition to providing world-class care for your injured workers, Results Physiotherapy can provide additional industrial services to ensure your organization’s workforce is safe and productive. All of our services are delivered by licensed clinicians and have been demonstrated to consistently reduce employer costs.
Results Physiotherapy Workers’ Comp Program utilizes Results Clinical Excellence to drive optimal outcomes in Workers’ Compensation cases.
To achieve the most optimal outcomes, physical therapists must be trained at the highest level of orthopedic evaluation to provide an accurate assessment of an injured worker’s impairment. This assessment allows Results therapists to design the most specific treatment program for the injured worker, which optimizes functional recovery, decreases utilization, and reduces case duration. It also gives the Results therapist an advantage when assessing patient compliance, presentation, and consistency of effort.
Results Physiotherapy can design, implement and perform Post Offer Employment Tests (POETs) that are in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The tests are based on the determination of the position’s essential job functions and ensure employers are hiring candidates that match the physical demands of each position.
This test can also be utilized for establishing baseline performance in the event an employee is injured in the future. Results Physiotherapy can coordinate with employers to build customized programs from the ground up, or assist employers/networks in performing already developed POETs in one of our many locations across the Southeast.
Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCEs) provide a detailed assessment of an individual’s functional ability in the context of physical demands for employment. Results Physiotherapy uses a proprietary FCE product, which through internal training, mentoring, and auditing ensures clinical excellence. Our FCEs provide accurate interpretation to ensure validity and consistency of effort, all while being easy to read and understand.
The Results FCE report provides return-to-work recommendations based on the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) work classification system and provides state-specific measurements that can be utilized for impairment ratings.
Injured workers will be scheduled in a timely manner and reporting is received within 48 hours. In accordance with the American Medical Association’s specific requirements, our FCEs are always performed by a licensed physical therapist, never a physical therapist assistant or athletic trainer.
Results Physiotherapy can assist employers in the prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders through several early intervention programs. Results Musculoskeletal Triage program, either on-site or in a Results Clinic, can assist with early identification of musculoskeletal disorders or avert potentially more serious workers’ comp claims. This type of management of musculoskeletal conditions allows for OSHA-permissible first aid (including soft tissue release, taping, modalities, and education) effectively reducing the number of recordable injuries by intervening early to ensure worker health and wellness.
Physical therapists, by nature of their training and expertise, serve as best practice providers of this type of consultation, and further serve the mission of keeping costs down and employees healthy. Results can also provide Job Site Analyses, Hazard Risk Analyses, and ergonomic educational programs, assisting employers in creating a safer work environment.
Results Physiotherapy also offers the convenience of centralized scheduling.
To learn more about how Results Physiotherapy can help keep your workforce safe and productive or to request additional services, contact one of our workers’ compensation experts by clicking on the Request Info button below.