You may not realize how much you actually use your hands, wrists, and elbows until you suffer an injury. Wrist and elbow pain is nothing to joke around about. It can cause severe pain and really interrupt your day to day life.
Do you have a question about elbow pain that we didn’t answer? Check out our page for Common Elbow Pain Questions!
Some of the types of wrist and elbow pain we treat is that from Wrist Tendinopathy, Golfer’s Elbow, Cubital Fossa Syndrome, Tennis Elbow, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and Wrist Sprains and Strains.
Golfer’s Elbow is a condition that causes pain on the medial side of the elbow, and it can extend down the forearm. It is similar to Tennis Elbow, except for the pain is on the inside of your elbow. This condition is typically caused from overuse from a repetitive activity. People who commonly get Golfer’s Elbow are golfers, people in data-entry positions, weightlifters, painters, and more. Symptoms commonly develop over time gradually, but they can appear suddenly after a forcible use of the wrist or hand. There may be weakness of the hand as well.
More Information on Golfer’s Elbow
Tennis Elbow is a condition of the lateral elbow, caused by overuse. It is extremely painful and is often associated with tennis players, weightlifters, painters, people with keyboard entry jobs, and more. The main cause is overuse from repetitive motions. Symptoms for Tennis Elbow are pain or burning over the lateral elbow, increased by forearm activities. The pain can sometimes extend down to the wrist. Loss of grip strength is also a common symptom, as well as pain beginning slowly and gradually worsening.
More Information on Tennis Elbow
The Carpal Tunnel is a narrow passageway in the wrist, in which your median nerve passes through. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition in which this major nerve gets compressed. It can be caused by fluid retention, repetitive motions over a long period of time. It is a common condition to get in pregnancy due to fluid retention. Symptoms may start with a pain or aching in the wrist, gradually extending into the hand and fingers. Loss of grip and numbness are also common symptoms.
More Information on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
A wrist strain is the stretching or tearing of a tendon in the wrist. A wrist sprain is when ligaments or the joint capsule are injured. Falling onto an outstretched hand is a common cause of wrist sprains and strains. A minor injury will cause pain and discomfort in the wrist. A more severe injury can lead to dislocation of the carpal joint or improper mechanics of the wrist joint. It may result in permanent loss of stability.
More Information on Wrist Strains and Sprains
Wrist tendinitis or the more proper name, tendinopathy, is a common condition that causes pain and limited function on either side of the wrist. The term tendonitis often refers to acute inflammation of the tendons that cross the wrist into the hand and the term tendinopathy is often used for ongoing more chronic conditions. The symptoms of tendinopathy often consist of pain, swelling, stiffness, or warmth in the wrist associated with activity or specific movements usually involving finger or wrist movements. These symptoms are almost always located directly at the site of the effected tendon and are made worse by heavy gripping, twisting motions like removing a lid to a jar, or prolonged/new use of a tool. Athletic activities that place high loads on the tendons such as rock climbing, tennis or golf can also lead to wrist tendon pain.
More Information on Wrist Tendinopathy
Similar to “hitting your funny bone.” Tingling and/or numbness are felt in the ring and little fingers, as well as along the inside of the forearm.
More Information on Cubital Fossa Syndrome
We treat all forms of wrist and elbow pain pain at our physical therapy clinics across the United States. We have hundreds of PT clinics near you to help you alleviate your pain and help you get back to doing the things you love most. If you would like to set up an appointment to treat your wrist and elbow pain at one of our physical therapy clinics, please schedule an appointment by filling out our online form. We look forward to meeting you!