Effective Pain Relief Methods for Postpartum Back Pain

Effective Pain Relief Methods for Postpartum Back Pain

Effective Pain Relief Methods for Postpartum Back Pain – Blog Post Bringing new life into the world is an amazing feat, but new parents can still experience long-term symptoms from their pregnancy and childbirth experience. Postpartum back pain and chronic lower back pain can impact new parents for six months or even longer. Nearly 50% to 80% of all individuals will experience some form of back pain during pregnancy and their postpartum period, which makes it an important issue to identify effective pain relief methods new parents can utilize to alleviate some of that postpartum back pain they experience. At Results Physiotherapy, we help people get back on their feet with our Beyond Birth program which helps parents with eight of the most common postpartum health conditions, including back pain. If you have recently given birth and are experiencing postpartum back pain, we’ve highlighted some of the most common causes, and relief methods.

Common Causes of Postpartum Back Pain

It’s important to remember that when you go through pregnancy and childbirth, your body is put under a tremendous amount of stress. The stress and hormonal changes your body goes through during pregnancy and childbirth commonly causes pain that may linger in the postpartum period. When going through a pregnancy, there are many body transformations that could cause back pain over time including weight gain, reduced level of exercise, and large changes in hormones. The changes in activity level and posture can become habits that could eventually lead to back pain that sticks around after the pregnancy. In addition to all of the natural changes your body goes through during the pregnancy and childbirth process, your body could also have external factors that could cause you pain or slow the return to normalcy. Some of these external factors include having a C-section, difficult pregnancy, or a challenging childbirth. Physical therapy can be a great way to help you return to normalcy with education, manual therapy, and an exercise treatment plan that helps you alleviate the postpartum back pain you may experience.

Effective Pain Relief Methods for Postpartum Back Pain

We’ve outlined some effective pain relief methods to alleviate some of the postpartum back pain you could be experiencing. Before you begin any exercise or stretching routine, make sure you speak with a qualified healthcare professional like a physical therapist or medical doctor who can help educate you and guide you on the proper ways to perform certain activities.

Sleep with a Knee Pillow

One of the things that can cause new parents to deal with postpartum back pain is the feeling that they just can’t get enough sleep or they find that when they can lie down to get some z’s, they aren’t comfortable doing so. If you find that your hips or pelvis are bothering you when you’re trying to get in some much-needed shut-eye, try sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees to help you align your hips and reduce the likelihood of waking up in the middle of the night from the pain.

Avoid High Heels and Other Types of Uncomfortable Fashion

One of the most exciting things after giving birth can be getting back into the swing of things with some of the fashionable items in your closet, but one thing you should try to avoid to prevent postpartum back pain are high heels and other types of constricting clothing and shoes. While they might look good and match your outfit, try to avoid any uncomfortable clothing and shoes that would cause you to feel any kind of postpartum back pain as you begin to resume everyday activities.

Deep Breathing Exercises

Deep breathing exercises can help you strengthen your diaphragm muscles and also help you alleviate some of that built-up tension and stress that can creep in and cause you back pain. As a new parent, there are all kinds of things that can cause you to experience stress throughout the day. This tension can cause you to unknowingly tighten up your muscles and cause undue stress on your back and supporting muscles, which can ultimately lead to postpartum back pain. Try to incorporate some deep breathing exercises throughout the day to alleviate some of the stress and tension in your life by clearing your thoughts for a few moments.

Go for a Walk

While you may not be ready to participate in some exercises and physical activities for several months after giving birth, there are a few exercises you can do to help you get out of the house and moving a bit. Walking can be a great way to get a change of scenery, clear your thoughts, and help you alleviate some of the postpartum back pain that can creep in from not exercising or moving as often for so long. Walking can also be a great way for you to start building functional strength and can help to spur on the recovery from some of those stressed muscles. Walking is known to improve overall health, improved mood, and is a safe activity for new parents.

Avoid Standing for Extended Periods

The next effective pain relief method for postpartum back pain is to avoid standing for extended periods of time. As a parent, it can feel like you’re always on your feet running from one event to the next, but it might not always be a good thing for your back. Try to avoid standing for extended periods of time to help give your back a bit of a break every now and then.

Try to Return to a Normal Posture

As we’ve outlined earlier, one of the things that can develop over time during pregnancy and shortly after are some poor habits with your posture. Try to focus on getting back to a normal posture and avoid bending over, hunching, or leaning to one side when performing certain activities like feeding or holding your baby. In addition, make sure you’re maintaining good form when lifting or bending over to pick things up or place them down. Lifting with your legs and not your back can help you alleviate some of the additional strain you place on your back when you lift with improper form.

Take a Warm Bath

Taking a warm bath after a long day can do wonders when it comes to alleviating some of that tension in your muscles and your postpartum back pain. Carve out some time during your day when you can run a nice warm bath and relax to decompress and alleviate some of the stress you’ve tallied up throughout the day. Ensure that you have approval from your healthcare provider before this activity particularly if you had a C-section or stitches.

Focus on Rest and Recovery

One of the best things you can do to relieve postpartum back pain is to also prioritize your rest and recovery. As a new parent, there are often a thousand things you need to remember and/or do which can take you away from resting properly to give your body enough time to recover and heal. It’s important to remember that you need to prioritize your own body and give it an adequate amount of time each day to heal.

Work with a Physical Therapist for your Postpartum Back Pain

Postpartum back pain is a condition that impacts millions of people every single year. If you find that you are experiencing back pain after a recent pregnancy and childbirth, you should consider working with one of our licensed and talented physical therapists. At Results Physiotherapy, we have pelvic health specialty clinics that can help you build foundational strength with pelvic floor exercises to strengthen your core, pelvic floor, and maximize your recovery with our Beyond Birth program. Schedule an appointment today at a nearby Results PT clinic to work with a licensed postpartum therapist near you!

  1. “Back Pain During Pregnancy.” Cedars, www.cedars-sinai.org/health-library/diseases-and-conditions/b/back-pain-during-pregnancy.html#:~:text=Overview,acute%20pain%20that%20becomes%20chronic. Accessed 31 July 2023.

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