Motor vehicle accidents can range from minor fender benders that can be a nuisance as you deal with insurance to more traumatic injuries that can take weeks or months to heal from. Physical therapy can be an effective treatment option for individuals who have recently sustained a car accident injury and are looking to alleviate pain and restore function after a car accident. Take a look at recent car industry statistics, the most common car accident injuries, and see how physical therapy can be an effective treatment option for common car accident injuries.
Car accidents and car accident injuries have recently began to rise again after several years of decline as technology and vehicles got safer on the road. In the United States, there are millions of car accidents every single year with roughly 4.8 million medical consultations stemming from car accident injuries. Physical therapists will play a vital role in helping those who are dealing with injuries from car accidents as motor vehicle accidents and the associated injuries continue to rise nationwide. Take a look at some of the most common car accident injuries that can occur and see how physical therapy after a car accident can help alleviate pain and restore function.
One of the most common injuries stemming from motor vehicle accidents are neck injuries and whiplash that can occur as vehicles collide or one vehicle collides with another fixed object. While cars have gotten better throughout the years in helping to transfer some of the force that can go through a vehicle in a collision, even the safest cars on the road have difficulty in abating all of the energy to the occupants.
Traumatic brain injuries are severe head trauma that can be caused by a jarring motion or physical blow to the body which can cause the head and brain to move back and forth rapidly. Concussions, headaches, and head pain can be a tricky injury as the symptoms may take a while to present themselves. That’s why it is important for those who have been involved in a car accident to be properly evaluated and monitored by a medical professional.
Back injuries are another common car accident injury. Back injuries can range from sprains or strains to more significant injuries which can include herniated discs, ruptured discs, or nerve damage. Depending on the severity of the back injury, some back injuries from car accidents require healing that can range from several weeks of rest to more intensive surgeries followed by physical therapy.
Car accidents can also cause burn injuries as individuals come into contact with parts of the vehicle that they normally wouldn’t come into contact with. This can include hot liquids from leaking parts, hot parts of a vehicle that are now exposed, or parts of the vehicle that burst into flames.
Another very serious car accident injury that may occur is internal injuries that are only revealed with more significant examination and evaluation. Underlying internal injuries may often not present themselves for an extended period of time, which is why it’s important to be evaluated by a medical professional, as even a minor accident can cause serious injury to occupants.
Fractures and broken bones are some of the most common car accident injuries as our bodies aren’t capable of handling so much stress and pressure in an instant. The severity of a fracture can range from being in a cast for several weeks to more intensive surgeries that are required to repair the damage.
Another common car accident injury are soft tissue injuries which can include sprains or strains of muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Soft tissue injuries can occur in both minor and severe car accidents.
As your legs and feet are often outstretched in front of you while sitting in a vehicle, they might be the first body region exposed to potential contact in the event of a forward-facing collision. Feet and ankle injuries are common as lower extremities can take significant impact during a forward-facing motor vehicle crash.
Shoulder injuries can occur from a variety of different types of collisions or impact scenarios. In addition, many shoulder injuries can be caused when occupants of the vehicle attempt to brace themselves when they know an impact is likely to occur.
Knee injuries can also occur in motor vehicle collisions as occupants attempt to brace themselves, through the deployment of an airbag, or contact with other parts of the vehicle.
Wrist and hand injuries are common in car accidents as the upper extremities are either bracing for a potential impact or move around the cabin following a collision.
While modern cars continue to get safer on the road with each new model, injuries can still occur and often require comprehensive care to help you get back to pre-injury wellness. Physical therapy can be an effective treatment option for many of the common car accident injuries we highlighted above.
Car accidents can cause serious injury that may require surgery, but it isn’t always a mandatory requirement to start feeling better. Physical therapy can be an effective treatment option for individuals who are looking to recover from a recent car accident injury without invasive surgery. In the event that surgery is still required to recover, physical therapy can help patients potentially improve their surgical outcomes through prehabilitation which can help to strengthen tissues and aid in gaining mobility, and post-surgery rehabilitation to gradually increase activity levels and get back up to speed.
Physical therapy can also be beneficial in helping reduce the likelihood of long-term damage from a motor vehicle accident. Car accidents and related car accident injuries may linger with patients, which is why beginning physical therapy treatment can help decrease the physical effects that can stem from a motor vehicle accident.
Another one of the ways that physical therapy can be beneficial to those who have sustained a car accident injury is through the alleviation of pain. Physical therapists will work with you to implement a unique treatment program to help you alleviate pain and help you get on the pathway to a successful recovery.
Physical therapy will also help you improve and restore function that you might have lost as a result of a recent car injury. Your physical therapist will work with you to improve your muscular control and mobility throughout your treatment plan. Through the use of strengthening exercises, stretching exercises, mobility exercises, and other manual therapy techniques, your physical therapist will work with you to restore function.
Another benefit of physical therapy is that it supports the recovery process. Getting back up to pre-injury activity levels and health after a car accident can take some time. With a physical therapist as part of your healthcare team, you can gradually work to alleviate pain, restore function, and restore mobility throughout your recovery.
Physical therapy after a car accident is an important step in working toward a successful recovery. Our licensed and trained physical therapists are movement experts who can help you avoid long-term problems, alleviate pain, potentially reduce the need for surgery, and restore function after a car accident injury. Physical therapy can be an effective treatment option for many of the common car accident injuries we outlined above and other medical conditions. Schedule an appointment at a nearby physical therapy clinic to see how physical therapy can help you!